Meizhou Bay South Coast Line Railway Branch湄洲灣南(nán)岸線鐵路支線

Projects > Railway Engineering > Meizhou Bay South Coast Line Railway Branch湄洲灣南(nán)岸線鐵路支線

Meizhou Bay South Coast Line Railway Branch湄洲灣南(nán)岸線鐵路支線

Project name項目名稱

Meizhou Bay South Coast Line Railway Branch湄洲灣南(nán)岸線鐵路支線

Construction unit建設單位

China Railway Tenth Bureau Group Co., Ltd.中(zhōng)鐵十局集團有限公司

Project Description項目簡介

The Fu project of the Meizhou Bay South Bank Railway Branch Line includes Xianyou Station (including Xianyou Station) to Douwei Port Area on the South Bank of Meizhou Bay, including related supporting projects. The entire branch line connects and leads from Xianyou Fengting Station of Fuxia Railway, connects to Xiaocuo Station of Zhangquan Xiao Railway via Tiandun in Quangang District, and then leads out to Douwei Port District, with a total length of about 39 kilometers, almost all of which are in Quanzhou City . The total investment of the project is about 1.37 billion yuan, which is jointly raised by Nanchang Railway Bureau, Hui'an County Government and Quangang District Government. The main technical standards of the branch line of the South Bank of Meizhou Bay are: national class II, single line; minimum curve radius of 600 meters; design speed of 120 kilometers per hour; electric traction; The railway will be used exclusively for freight transportation and serve the port area and coastal industries. After completion, it will mainly undertake the railway collection and distribution tasks from the Douwei operation area of Quanzhou Port to the technical operation station. It will play a huge role in the petrochemical base in particular. , Douwei, Xiutu 3 expressway branch lines to Fuzhou-Xiamen Railway, to Pu Railway to Fuzhou direction of transportation tasks.湄洲灣南(nán)岸鐵路支線福工(gōng)程包括仙遊站(含仙遊站)至湄洲灣南(nán)岸鬥尾港區,含相關配套工(gōng)程。整條支線從福廈鐵路仙遊楓亭站接軌引出,經泉港區田墩接入漳泉肖鐵路肖厝站,再引出至鬥尾港區,全長約39公裏,全線幾乎都在泉州市境内。項目總投資約13.7億元,由南(nán)昌鐵路局、惠安縣政府、泉港區政府共同籌措,其餘資金向國内銀行貸款籌措。湄洲灣南(nán)岸鐵路支線的主要技術标準爲:國家級、單線;最小(xiǎo)曲線半徑600米;設計時速120公裏;電力牽引;牽引質量4000噸,到發線有效長度850米,繼電半自動閉塞。該鐵路将作爲貨運專用,爲港區和臨海工(gōng)業服務,建成之後主要承擔泉州港鬥尾作業區至技術作業站的鐵路集疏運任務,尤其将爲石化基地發揮巨大(dà)作用,另外(wài)還承擔肖厝、鬥尾、秀塗3條高速公路支線到福廈鐵路、向莆鐵路福州方向的運輸任務。

Supply product供應産品

Squeezing agent,expansion agent,grouting agent壓漿劑、膨脹劑、灌漿料