Zhejiang Section of Shanghai-Kunming Railway Hangzhou-Changjiang Passenger Dedicated Line滬昆鐵路杭長客運專線浙江段

Projects > Railway Engineering > Zhejiang Section of Shanghai-Kunming Railway Hangzhou-Changjiang Passenger Dedicated Line滬昆鐵路杭長客運專線浙江段

Zhejiang Section of Shanghai-Kunming Railway Hangzhou-Changjiang Passenger Dedicated Line滬昆鐵路杭長客運專線浙江段

Project name項目名稱

Shanghai-Kunming Railway Hangzhou-Changzhou Passenger Dedicated Line Zhejiang Section HCZJ-5 Bid滬昆鐵路杭長客運專線浙江段HCZJ-5

Construction unit建設單位

China Railway Fifth Bureau Group Co., Ltd.中(zhōng)鐵五局集團有限公司

Project Description項目簡介

The Shanghai-Kunming Railway Hangzhou-Changjiang Passenger Dedicated Line is designed as a 350 km/h dedicated passenger line railway. The Zhejiang section of the HCZJ-5 has a marked start-to-end mileage of DK163+639.61 to DK212+155.58, and the main line is 48.515 kilometers long, including 7 bridges and 41.81 kilometers; There are 39 culverts of 896.6 horizontal meters; the length of the main line of the roadbed is 6.71 kilometers. The subgrade earthwork in the main line section is 853,500 m3, and the station subgrade earthwork is 256,400 m3. Station 1: Longyou Station. The main line ballastless bed is 97.031 kilometers per line; the station line ballast bed is 1.76 kilometers; the paving slag is 1346 cubic meters and other line-related projects. The sections are mainly located in Jinhua City and Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province.

This bidding section is characterized by bridge engineering. The length of the bridge accounts for 86.2% of the total length of the pipe section. The construction of deep-water long-span bridge engineering is relatively difficult. The Jinhua River Extra Large Bridge is 11435.35 meters in length. The bridge spans the Jinhua River from piers 105 to 111 (75+4×135+75) m of continuous beams and the construction of piers in water is the control project of the project.

滬昆鐵路杭長客運專線設計标準爲350公裏/小(xiǎo)時客運專線鐵路,浙江段HCZJ-5标起迄裏程DK163+639.61DK212+155.58,正線全長48.515公裏,其中(zhōng):橋梁741.81公裏;涵洞39896.6橫延米; 路基正線長度6.71公裏。正線區間路基土石方85.35萬方、站場路基土石方25.64萬方。車站1座:龍遊車站。正線無砟道床97.031單線公裏;站線無砟道床1.76公裏;鋪面渣1346立方米等線路相關工(gōng)程等,區段主要位于浙江省金華市、衢州市境内,合同造價30.2493億元。


Supply product供應産品

Squeezing agent壓漿劑

 Product name 項目名稱

Shanghai-Kunming Railway Hangzhou-Changzhou Passenger Dedicated Line Zhejiang Section HCZJ-6 Bid滬昆鐵路杭長客運專線浙江段HCZJ-6

Construction unit建設單位

China Railway No.9 Bureau Group Sixth Engineering Co., Ltd.中(zhōng)鐵九局集團第六工(gōng)程有限公司

Project Description項目簡介

The Hangzhou-Changsha Passenger Dedicated Line is the eastern section of the Shanghai-Kunming Passenger Dedicated Line, the main skeleton of the national railway's "four vertical and four horizontal" express passenger passages. The line starts from Hangzhou in the east and reaches Changsha in the west. Intermediate station. The HCZJ-6 bid section of the newly built Hangzhou-Changsha railway passenger dedicated line project is located in Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province. It crosses the Longli Expressway from Longyou County to Quzhou, and sets up a special passenger station on the same side of the existing Quzhou station building. After leaving the station, the line crosses Jiangshan Port. The line is basically parallel to the left side of the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway, and crosses the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway near Jiangshan Port. The starting point of the lot is DK212+155.08, the end mileage is DK247+171.41, and the main line is 35.018 kilometers long. The proportion of bridges accounted for 81.4%. The design speed is 350 kilometers per hour. . There are 10 beam-making pedestals, 10 sets of outer molds, 5 sets of inner molds, and 4 steel bar binding tires in Quzhou Beam-making Plant. Responsible for the prefabrication of the 687-hole box girder of the Hangzhou-Changzhou Railway Passenger Dedicated Line. Contract duration from April 2010 to June .杭長客運專線是國家鐵路四縱四橫快速客運通道主骨架滬昆客運專線的東段,線路東起杭州,西至長沙,橫貫浙、贛、湘三省,設置龍遊、衢州、江山中(zhōng)間站。新建杭州至長沙鐵路客運專線站前工(gōng)程HCZJ-6标段工(gōng)程在浙江省衢州市境内,從龍遊縣跨越龍麗高速公路至衢州,在既有衢州站站房同側落地設客專車站,出站後線路跨江山港。線路走向基本沿浙贛鐵路左側平行,在江山港附近跨越浙贛鐵路。标段起點DK212+155.08,終點裏程DK247+171.41,正線長35.018公裏。橋梁比例占81.4%。設計時速350公裏。。衢州制梁場有10個制梁台座,10套外(wài)模,5套内模,4個鋼筋綁紮胎具。負責杭長鐵路客運專線687孔箱梁預制。合同工(gōng)期2010.4月至20146


Supply product供應産品

Squeezing agent,grouting material,expansion material壓漿劑、灌漿料、膨脹劑

 Product name 項目名稱

Shanghai-Kunming Railway Hangzhou-Changjiang Passenger Dedicated Line Zhejiang Section HCZJ-7 Bid滬昆鐵路杭長客運專線浙江段HCZJ-7

Construction unit建設單位

China Railway 19th Bureau Second Engineering Co., Ltd.中(zhōng)鐵十九局第二工(gōng)程有限公司

Project Description項目簡介

The Hangzhou-Changsha Passenger Dedicated Line is the eastern section of the Shanghai-Kunming Passenger Dedicated Line, the main skeleton of the national railway's "four vertical and four horizontal" express passenger passages. The line starts from Hangzhou in the east and reaches Changsha in the west. Intermediate station. The total length of the main line is 927 kilometers, the design speed is 350 kilometers per hour, and the total investment is estimated to be 130.88 billion yuan. The length of the main line of Zhejiang Road of Hangzhou-Changzhou Railway is 48.548 kilometers, the construction period is 39 months, and the total investment of the project is 3024936218 yuan. Jiangshan Beam Making Factory is located in Jiangshandi Village, Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province, and undertakes the prefabrication of box beams for the 7th target of the Hangzhou-Changjiang Passenger Dedicated Line. Kecheng Liangchang is located in Garden Village, Huashu Township, Kecheng District, Hengzhou City. The site is located at DK256+600. The Liangchang covers an area of 154 acres, of which the Liangchang area covers an area of 77 acres, the office and living area covers an area of 27 acres, The alkali mixing station covers an area of 19 acres, the beam transport and bridge erection machine turning area covers an area of 17 acres, and the rebar processing plant covers an area of 6 acres. The beam field is equipped with 9 beam-making stations, 42 double-layer beam storage stations, 6 reinforced molds, 6 sets of inner molds, 10 sets of side molds, 10 sets of bottom molds, and 7 sets of end molds. This beam yard is mainly responsible for the prefabrication of 596 double-line box beams within the mileage of DK241+596.31-DK271+274.38 in the Zhejiang section of the Hangzhou-Changjiang Railway Passenger Dedicated Line, including 533 boxes of 32.6m span box beams and 63 boxes of 24.6m box beams. The section type of the box girder is a simply supported box girder of the same height with a single box and a single room, the width of the bottom plate is 5.5m, and the width of the top plate is 12m. Kecheng Beam Making Factory undertakes the production task of 620 simply supported box beams for 7 standard 18 bridges on the Hangzhou-Changzhou Passenger Dedicated Line.杭長客運專線是國家鐵路四縱四橫快速客運通道主骨架滬昆客運專線的東段,線路東起杭州,西至長沙,橫貫浙、贛、湘三省,設置龍遊、衢州、江山中(zhōng)間站。正線全長927公裏,設計時速350公裏,總投資估算1308.8億元。杭長鐵路浙江路正線長度48.548公裏,建設工(gōng)期39個月,工(gōng)程總投資3024936218元。江山制梁場在浙江省江山市江山底村(cūn),承擔杭長客運專線7标的箱梁預制任務。柯城梁場位于衡州市柯城區華墅鄉園林村(cūn),選址在DK256+600處,梁場占地面積154畝,其中(zhōng)制存梁區占地77畝、辦公生(shēng)活區占地27畝、鹼拌和站占地19畝、運梁及架橋機調頭區占地17畝,鋼筋加工(gōng)場占地6畝。本梁場設置9個制梁台位,42個雙層存梁台位,6個鋼筋胎具,6套内模、10套側模、10套底模、7套端模.本梁場主要承擔杭長鐵路客運專線浙江段DK241+596.31-DK271+274.38裏程範圍内共596榀雙線箱梁的預制任務,其中(zhōng)32.6m跨箱梁533榀,24. 6m箱梁63榀。箱梁截面類型爲單箱單室等高度簡支箱梁,底闆寬5. 5m,頂闆寬12m,每榀32.   6m箱梁重達808T,其中(zhōng)C50混凝土32m3,鋼筋54T,預應力鋼絞線9T。柯城制梁場承擔着杭長客運專線718座橋共620榀簡支箱梁的生(shēng)産任務。

Supply p[roduct供應産品

Pipe grouting agent, release agent管道壓漿劑、脫模劑