Southeast section of Fuzhou Ring Expressway福州繞城高速公路東南(nán)段

Projects > Road Engineering > Southeast section of Fuzhou Ring Expressway福州繞城高速公路東南(nán)段

Southeast section of Fuzhou Ring Expressway福州繞城高速公路東南(nán)段

Project name項目名稱

A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A7, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16 of the southeast section of Fuzhou Ring Expressway福州繞城高速東南(nán)段A1A2A3A4A5A7A9A10A11A12A13A14A15A16

Purchaser's name采購人名稱

China Railway Seventeenth Bureau, China Railway Second Bureau, China Railway No. 1 Bureau, China Railway Seventh Bureau, China Railway Tenth Bureau, China Railway Twelfth Bureau, China Railway Seventeenth Bureau, China Railway Nineteenth Bureau, China Railway 20th Bureau, China Railway Fourth Bureau , China Construction Road and Bridge Group Co., Ltd., etc.中(zhōng)鐵十七局、中(zhōng)交二公局、中(zhōng)交一(yī)公局、中(zhōng)鐵七局、中(zhōng)鐵十局、中(zhōng)鐵十二局、中(zhōng)鐵十七局、中(zhōng)鐵十九局、中(zhōng)鐵二十局、中(zhōng)交四公局、中(zhōng)建路橋集團有限公司等


The southeast section of the Fuzhou Ring Road starts from Yangmen, Lianjiang, and connects the northwest section of the Fuzhou Ring Road and the Luoyuan-Changle section of the Shenhai National Expressway via the Yangmen interchange, and crosses the Minjiang Changmen waterway at Changmen and Langqi respectively , Plum Blossom Waterway, ending at Qingkou in Minhou, through Qingkou interchange to connect the Qingkou-Minhou section of Fuyin National Expressway and the Fuzhou-Quanzhou section of Shenhai National Expressway, with a total length of 73.975 kilometers. The Kemen Shugang connection line starts from the main line Pukou Interchange and ends at Yanqi, with a total length of 17.681 kilometers. Guanban Interchange is set up, and Meili Interchange is reserved. The whole line adopts the standard construction of expressway. The starting point of the main line and the Kemen Shugang connecting line is 6.122 kilometers with two-way six-lane, the design speed is 100 km/h, and the width of the roadbed is 33.5 meters; the remaining 11.559 kilometers of the connecting line is two-way four-lane, and the width of the roadbed is 26 meters.福州繞城公路東南(nán)段起自連江洋門,經洋門互通式立交接福州繞城公路西北(běi)段和沈海國家高速公路羅源至長樂段,在長門、琅岐分(fēn)别跨越閩江長門水道、梅花水道,止于閩侯青口,經青口互通式立交接福銀國家高速公路青口至閩侯段和沈海國家高速公路福州至泉州段,全長73.975公裏。可門疏港連接線起自主線浦口互通立交,止于顔歧,全長17.681公裏,設置官坂互通式立交,預留梅裏互通式立交。全線采用高速公路标準建設,主線及可門疏港連接線起點段6.122公裏爲雙向六車道,設計速度100公裏/小(xiǎo)時,路基寬度33.5米;連接線其餘11.559公裏爲雙向四車道,路基寬度26米。

Supply product供應産品

Squeezing material,Squeezing agent ,superplasticizer,Grouting material and other admixture products壓漿料、壓漿劑、減水劑、灌漿料等多種外(wài)加劑産品