Quanzhou Bay Bridge泉州灣跨海大(dà)橋

Projects > Municipal Engineering > Quanzhou Bay Bridge泉州灣跨海大(dà)橋

Quanzhou Bay Bridge泉州灣跨海大(dà)橋

Project name項目名稱

A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 contract sections of Quanzhou Bay Bridge泉州灣跨海大(dà)橋A1A2A3A4A5合同段

Construction unit建設單位

China Railway Bridge No. 2 Company, Sichuan Road and Bridge, CCCC No. 2 Public Transport Bureau, CCCC No. 2 Navigation Bureau, CCCC No. 1 Navigation Bureau中(zhōng)鐵大(dà)橋局二公司、四川路橋、中(zhōng)交二公局、中(zhōng)交二航局、中(zhōng)交一(yī)航局

Project Description項目簡介

The Quanzhou Bay Sea-crossing Bridge project starts from Nantang, Jinjiang, and connects with the Jinjiang-Shishi section of the Quanzhou Huancheng Expressway. It crosses Quanzhou Bay in Shishi, and passes through Huian Xiutu, Zhangban, and finally Huian Tapu, and Quanzhou City. The Nanhui branch of the Huancheng Expressway is connected. The total length of the route is 26675.871m, the cross-sea bridge is about 12.451 kilometers long, and the cross-strait connection is about 14.70 kilometers long. There are 2 separate interchanges on the whole line. There are 8 passages and 1 overpass. The design speed is 100 km/h. The section from Kangjiang Interconnection to Xiutu Interconnection adopts the eight-lane expressway standard, with a subgrade width of 41 meters; the rest of the sections adopt the six-lane expressway standard, with a subgrade width of 33.5 meters. There are four interchanges in Kanjiang, Xiutu, Zhangban and Tapu on the whole line. The total investment of the project is 6.436 billion yuan and the planned construction period is 4 years. After the completion of the Quanzhou Bay Sea-crossing Bridge, the Quanzhou Bay Sea-crossing Bridge, Jinjiang Bridge and Houzhu Bridge will connect Quanzhou Bay into a complete "ring", and the highway around the city will be connected across the board.泉州灣跨海大(dà)橋工(gōng)程起于晉江南(nán)塘,與泉州市環城高速公路晉江至石獅段相接,在石獅蚶江跨越泉州灣,經惠安秀塗、張坂,終于惠安塔埔,與泉州市環城高速公路南(nán)惠支線相接,路線全長26675.871m,跨海大(dà)橋長約12.451公裏,兩岸接線長約14.70公裏,全線設置分(fēn)離式立交2座。設置通道8處,天橋1座。設計時速100公裏/小(xiǎo)時。蚶江互通至秀塗互通段采用八車道高速公路标準,路基寬度41米;其餘路段采用六車道高速公路标準,路基寬度33.5米。全線共設蚶江、秀塗、張坂、塔埔四處互通式立交,項目總投資6436億元,計劃建設工(gōng)期4年。泉州灣跨海大(dà)橋建成後,泉州灣跨海大(dà)橋和晉江大(dà)橋、後渚大(dà)橋将泉州灣連成一(yī)個完整的,環城高速将全線貫通。

Supply product供應産品

Squeezing material, bearing mortar, grouting material, expansion agent, release agent壓漿料、支座砂漿、灌漿料、膨脹劑、脫模劑