Jiumian Expressway: Pingwu-Fujiang Super Bridge speeds up during the "May 1st" holiday, and the main span closes into the countdown九綿高速:平武涪江特大(dà)橋“五一(yī)”假期提速,主跨合龍進入倒計時

Column:Industry Information Time:2020-05-06

       On May 1st, with the last concrete pouring in place, the 0# block on the left side of No. 19 pier of the main bridge of the Pingwu Fujiang Bridge on the LJ22 contract section of the Jiu-Mian Expressway was successfully poured. The entire pouring process lasted 16 hours. 


       The Pingwu Fujiang Bridge has a total length of 1771 meters. It is a key control project of the entire Jiu-Mian Expressway. It is also the largest span corrugated steel web concrete continuous rigid frame bridge designed in China so far, with a total bridge height of 102.5 meters. The bridge spans both sides of the Fujiang River and is located on high and steep bank slopes, resulting in a narrow construction site and difficult construction organization.平武涪江特大(dà)橋全長1771米,是九綿高速公路全線的重點控制性工(gōng)程,也是目前爲止國内設計的最大(dà)跨度波形鋼腹闆混凝土連續剛構橋梁,總橋高度爲102.5米。大(dà)橋橫跨涪江兩岸,位于高、陡岸坡處,導緻施工(gōng)場地狹小(xiǎo),施工(gōng)組織難度大(dà)。


         In order to ensure the completion of the construction node tasks as scheduled, all the construction personnel of the project department fully opened the "5+2" "white+black" continuous rotation mode, and also adhered to the construction front line during the "May 1st" holiday, and made every effort to grasp the construction period and promote the progress rate.爲确保如期完成施工(gōng)節點任務,項目部全體參建人員全面開啓“5+2”“白(bái)+黑”連軸轉模式,“五一(yī)”假期期間也堅守在施工(gōng)一(yī)線,全力抓工(gōng)期、促進度;  

       Finally, the 0# block on the left side of No. 19 pier was successfully poured on Labor Day, which presented a special holiday gift for the construction of the Jiu-Mian Expressway, and also marked the official countdown to the closing of the main span of the main bridge of the Pingwu-Fujiang Bridge.終于在勞動節當日順利實現19号墩左幅0#塊澆築,爲九綿高速建設獻上了一(yī)份特殊的節日禮物(wù),同時也标志(zhì)着平武涪江特大(dà)橋主橋主跨合龍正式進入倒計時。