Jinjiang Shujie Road Phase II Project晉江疏解路二期工(gōng)程

Projects > Municipal Engineering > Jinjiang Shujie Road Phase II Project晉江疏解路二期工(gōng)程

Jinjiang Shujie Road Phase II Project晉江疏解路二期工(gōng)程

Project name項目名稱

Jinjiang Shujie Road Phase II Project晉江疏解路二期工(gōng)程

Construction unit建設單位

CCCC First Highway Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd.中(zhōng)交第一(yī)公路工(gōng)程局有限公司

Project description項目描述

Shujie Road is a convenient main road between Nan'an, Jinjiang and Shishi cities and counties. It adopts the first-class highway standard, with a roadbed width of 50 meters and a designed driving speed of 80 km/h. The main line has a total length of 14.8 kilometers, of which 75% of the construction tasks of the first phase have been completed, and it is planned to be completed and opened to traffic in June next year. The second phase, which is currently being organized and implemented immediately, starts from the vicinity of Shanzai Village, Cizao Town, G324 Line, and ends at Ganshi Village, Neikeng Town, with a total length of 6.65 kilometers and an estimated investment of 250 million yuan. After the project is completed, it will be connected with the first phase, which is of great significance to promoting the rapid distribution of people and logistics at Jinjiang Station of Fuxia Railway, promoting the construction and development of Neikeng logistics area, and accelerating the development of magnetic stoves, Neikeng and even the central and western parts of Jinjiang.疏解路是南(nán)安、晉江、石獅市域縣際間的一(yī)條便捷主幹道,采用一(yī)級公路标準,路基寬度50米,設計行車速度80公裏/小(xiǎo)時。主線全長14.8公裏,其中(zhōng)一(yī)期已完成75%的建設任務,計劃明年6月建成通車。當前馬上組織實施的二期起于G324線磁竈鎮山仔村(cūn)附近,終于内坑鎮柑市村(cūn),全長6.65公裏,估算投資2.5億元。項目建成後,将與一(yī)期連接,對促進福廈鐵路晉江站人流、物(wù)流快速集散,促進内坑物(wù)流區建設發展,加快磁竈、内坑乃至晉江中(zhōng)西部發展,具有重要意義。

Supply product供應産品

Superplasticizer,squeezing material減水劑、壓漿料