Guizhou Zungui Expansion Project 貴州遵貴擴容工(gōng)程

Projects > Road Engineering > Guizhou Zungui Expansion Project 貴州遵貴擴容工(gōng)程

Guizhou Zungui Expansion Project 貴州遵貴擴容工(gōng)程

Project name 項目名稱

Guizhou Zungui Expressway Expansion Project 2nd, 4A, 6, 10, 11貴州遵貴高速擴容工(gōng)程2标、4A标、6标、10标、11标

Construction unit建設單位

Dongmeng Engineering Co., Ltd. of CCCC Second Public Transport Bureau, Fifth Engineering Branch of CCCC Second Aviation Bureau, Guizhou Road and Bridge Group Co., Ltd.中(zhōng)交二公局東萌工(gōng)程有限公司、中(zhōng)交二航局第五工(gōng)程分(fēn)公司、貴州路橋集團有限公司

Project description項目描述

Lanhai Guogao Zunyi-Guiyang section expansion project consists of the main line and the Guiyang connecting line. The main line starts from Qingshan Mountain in Zunyi, connects the Sinan to Zunyi section of Hangrui Expressway and the Zunyi Northeast Ring Expressway under construction. The Guiyang-Xinzhai section of the expressway and the southwest section of the Guiyang Ring Expressway have a total length of about 147 kilometers. Another 8 kilometers of interconnection lines will be built. The Guiyang connecting line starts from the main line Li Zihutong, passes through Dulaying, ends at Jianpo, connects the southwest section of Guiyang Ring Expressway and the existing Guiyang-Zun Expressway, with a total length of about 16 kilometers, of which the existing Guiyang Ring Expressway is used. About 4 kilometers of highway reconstruction and expansion, about 12 kilometers new. Both the main line and the Guiyang connecting line adopt the six-lane expressway standard, with a design speed of 100 km/h and a roadbed width of 33.5 meters. The vehicle load level of the newly built bridges and culverts is designed to adopt the highway-I level. The interconnection lines all adopt the second-class highway standard. Nanmudu Wujiang Bridge is the largest bridge and control project on the whole line. The bridge of this project has an important breakthrough. The prestressed pipe grouting material supplied by our company has excellent performance in bridge construction, and the grouting is stable. The supply and after-sales service are all highly recognized.蘭海國高遵義至貴陽段擴容工(gōng)程由主線和貴陽連接線構成。主線起自遵義青山,接已建的杭瑞高速思南(nán)至遵義段和在建的遵義東北(běi)繞城高速公路,經尚稽、開陽、禾豐、水田,止于貴陽下(xià)壩,接蘭海高速貴陽至新寨段和貴陽繞城高速公路西南(nán)段,全長約147公裏。另建互通連接線約8公裏。貴陽連接線起自主線李資互通,經都拉營,止于尖坡,接貴陽繞城高速公路西南(nán)段和現有貴遵高速公路,全長約16公裏,其中(zhōng)利用現有貴陽繞城高速公路改擴建約4公裏,新建約12公裏。主線和貴陽連接線均采用六車道高速公路标準,設計速度爲100公裏/小(xiǎo)時,路基寬度爲33.5米。新建橋涵設計的汽車荷載等級均采用公路-Ⅰ級。互通連接線均采用二級公路标準。楠木渡烏江特大(dà)橋是全線的最大(dà)橋梁和控制性工(gōng)程,該工(gōng)程橋梁具有重要突破,我(wǒ)(wǒ)公司供應的預應力管道壓漿料在橋梁施工(gōng)中(zhōng)使用性能優異,壓漿穩定,供貨及售後服務均得到高度認可。

Supply product供應産品

Pressed slurry,grouting agent壓漿料、壓漿劑