Guizhou Pingluo Expressway貴州平羅高速公路

Projects > Road Engineering > Guizhou Pingluo Expressway貴州平羅高速公路

Guizhou Pingluo Expressway貴州平羅高速公路

Project name項目名稱

Pingluo Expressway PLTJ-7, PLTJ-9, PLTJ-10, PLTJ-13 Contract Section平羅高速PLTJ-7PLTJ-9PLTJ-10PLTJ-13合同段

Construction unit建設單位

CCTCC No. 2 Public Company No. 1 Company, CCCC No. 4 Public Service Bureau, Guizhou Provincial Highway Engineering Group Co., Ltd.中(zhōng)交二公局一(yī)公司、中(zhōng)交四公局、貴州省公路工(gōng)程集團有限公司

Project description項目描述

The Pingtang-Luodian section of the Yuqing-Anlong Expressway in Guizhou Province, the starting point is located at Punchou in the northeast of Pingtang County, the starting point is K0+239.176, and the Dushan-Pingtang section of the Yuqing-Anlong Expressway in Guizhou Province The end point is connected to the county seat through Pingtang interchange. The construction starting point is the midpoint of Pingtang interchange, and the stake number is K0+329.184. Passing through major towns such as Ganzhai, Kaluo, Yazhou, Tongzhou, Kedu, Dongjia, Moyang, etc. in the middle, a hub is set up in Nasan to connect Yinchuan to Baishui Expressway Huishui to Luodian section, reaching the end of the project. Preliminary design Stake number K92+410.759. The total mileage of the project route is 93.275088Km. There are about 29845.5m/80 bridges on the whole line, including 4710m/3 extra-large bridges, 25135.5m/77 large and medium bridges; a total of 17944.5m/22 tunnels, including 4442m/1 extra-long tunnel and 6721.5 long tunnels m/4 blocks, 3,403 m/5 middle tunnels, 3,378 m/12 short tunnels; 8 interchangeable interchanges are set up. The main line adopts the v=80km/h four-lane expressway standard, the roadbed width is 24.5m, the asphalt concrete pavement, and the bridge and culvert design vehicle load level adopts the highway-I level. The main control points of the main line are the starting point Pingtang, Ganzhai, Kaluo, Yazhou, Tongzhou, Dongjia, Dongdang, Yungan, Luodian and the ending point Nasan.貴州省餘慶至安龍高速公路平塘至羅甸段,起點位于平塘縣東北(běi)面的沖頭,起點樁号K0+239.176,與貴州省餘慶至安龍高速公路獨山至平塘段終點相接,并通過平塘立交與縣城相連,建設起點爲平塘立交橋的中(zhōng)點,樁号爲K0+329.184。中(zhōng)間經過甘寨、卡羅、牙舟、通州、克度、董架、沫陽等主要城鎮,于納散設置樞紐互通連接銀川至白(bái)色高速公路惠水至羅甸段,到達項目終點,初步設計樁号K92+410.759。本項目路線總裏程爲93.275088Km。全線共有橋梁約29845.5/80座,其中(zhōng)特大(dà)橋4710/3座,大(dà)中(zhōng)橋25135.5/77座;共設隧道17944.5m/22座,其中(zhōng),特長隧道4442/1座,長隧道6721.5/4座,中(zhōng)隧道3403/5座,短隧道3378/12座;設置互通式立體交叉8處。主線采用v=80km/h四車道高速公路标準,路基寬24.5m,瀝青混凝土路面,橋涵設計汽車荷載等級采用公路—I級。主線的主要控制點爲起點平塘、甘寨、卡羅、牙舟、通州、董架、董當、雲幹、羅甸終點納散。

Supply product供應産品

Press material, grouting material壓漿料、灌漿料