Xiamen-Chengdu Expressway廈成高速公路

Projects > Road Engineering > Xiamen-Chengdu Expressway廈成高速公路

Xiamen-Chengdu Expressway廈成高速公路

Project name項目名稱

1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 contract sections of Zhangzhou section of Xiamen-Chengdu Expressway廈成高速公路漳州段A1 A2A3A4A5A6合同段

Construction unit建設單位

China Railway Tunnel No. 1, China Railway Seventh Bureau, China Railway Fourteenth Bureau No. 3 Company, China Railway No. 1 Bureau, Zhenjiang Road and Bridge, China Railway Seventh Bureau中(zhōng)鐵隧道一(yī)處、中(zhōng)鐵七局、中(zhōng)鐵十四局三公司、中(zhōng)鐵一(yī)局、鎮江路橋、中(zhōng)鐵七局

Project description項目描述

The Xiamen-Chengdu Expressway starts in Xiamen and ends in Chengdu, Sichuan, passing through Zhangzhou and Longyan in Fujian, Ruijin in Jiangxi, Chenzhou in Hunan, Guilin in Guangxi, Rongjiang, Duyun, Guiyang and Bijie in Guizhou. With a total length of 2,295 kilometers, it is the 16th highway among the 18 east-west expressways in the seven-radiation, nine-longitudinal and eighteen-horizontal network of the National Expressway. The Zhangzhou section of the Xiamen-Chengdu Expressway starts at the junction of the Haicang hub, which is the end point of the Xiamen section, and ends at the Gaolin-Zhanglong Expressway in Tianbao Town. The Zhangzhou section has a total length of 40.261 kilometers. The estimated total investment is 4.32473 billion yuan (including the Huaan connection line, of which the construction and installation cost is 3.03282 billion yuan), and the construction period is three years. The Zhangzhou section of the Xiamen-Chengdu Expressway is an important part of the national expressway "7918 network" plan, and it is also an integral part of the Haixi Expressway network plan "three vertical, eight horizontal, three ring and twenty-five links", and it is also a comprehensive connection between Zhangxia and Xiamen. another major line.廈成高速公路起于廈門,止于四川成都,途經福建漳州、龍岩,江西瑞金,湖南(nán)郴州,廣西桂林,貴州榕江、都勻、貴陽和畢節等地。全長2295公裏,是國家高速公路七射九縱十八橫網内18條東西向高速公路中(zhōng)的第16條公路。廈成高速公路漳州段工(gōng)程起于廈門段終點海滄樞紐互通廈漳交界處,終點在天寶鎮的高林接漳龍高速公路。漳州段路線全長40.261公裏,概算總投資爲43.2473億元(含華安連接線,其中(zhōng)建安費30.3282億元),建設工(gōng)期爲三年。廈成高速公路漳州段是國家高速公路“7918規劃中(zhōng)的重要部分(fēn),也是海西高速公路網規劃三縱八橫三環二十五聯的組成部分(fēn),更是漳廈交通全面對接的又(yòu)一(yī)重大(dà)線路。

Supply product供應産品

Squeezing material,squeezing agent,grouting material壓漿料、壓漿劑、灌漿料