Kunming South Link Expressway昆明南(nán)連接線高速公路

Projects > Road Engineering > Kunming South Link Expressway昆明南(nán)連接線高速公路

Kunming South Link Expressway昆明南(nán)連接線高速公路

Project name項目名稱

Kunming South Link Expressway 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th昆明南(nán)連接線高速公路2标、3标、4标、5

Purchaser's name采購人名稱

Kunming Branch of Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co., Ltd.上海隧道工(gōng)程股份有限公司昆明分(fēn)公司

Project description項目描述

Kunming South Link Expressway is located in the north of Dianchi Lake in the southwest of Kunming City. It is the GZ65 (Shanghai-Kunming-Ruili) and GZ40 (Erenhot-Kunming) main skeleton network of "five vertical and seven horizontal" highways in the "Planning and Layout Plan of the National Road Trunk Line System". - Hekou) and one of the “Eight Inter-Provincial Highways for Western Development” recently planned by the Ministry of Communications. The South Link Expressway is an important part of the "one horizontal" in the "8" ring highway system in Kunming City. very important role. The south connecting line starts from the Gaoyao Junction of Kun'an Expressway. After the reconstruction of the reserved ramp, the Caohai Tunnel will be set up to pass through the Caohai Lake of Dianchi Lake. The tunnel exit is connected by embankment and bridge, and the main line of Dianchi Road will pass under it. The interchange between Hewei Village and Dianchi Lake will be set up. Road connection, via Zhuangjiatang, Luoya Village, Zhaoxi Village, the main line crosses Kunyu Expressway, Dujiaying Interchange is set up to realize the traffic transfer with Kunyu Expressway, passing through Nijiaying in the development zone, and the end point is Dachong Interchange and east connecting line The route is 24.998 kilometers long.昆明南(nán)連接線高速公路位于昆明市西南(nán)滇池以北(běi),是《國道主幹線系統規劃布局方案》中(zhōng)五縱七橫公路主骨架網絡中(zhōng)GZ65(上海昆明瑞麗)和GZ40(二連浩特昆明河口)的重要組成部分(fēn),也是交通部新近規劃的八條西部開發省際公路通道之一(yī)。南(nán)連接線高速公路是昆明市“8”字繞城高速公路系統中(zhōng)一(yī)橫的重要組成部分(fēn),作爲昆明市繞城公路系統中(zhōng)連接東西方向的快速通道,在繞城公路系統中(zhōng)起着十分(fēn)重要的作用。南(nán)連接線起于昆安高速高峣樞紐立交,改建預留匝道後設草海隧道下(xià)穿滇池草海,隧道出口以路堤橋方式連接,至滇池路主線下(xià)穿,設河尾村(cūn)互通立交與滇池路連接,經莊家塘、羅衙村(cūn)、照西村(cūn),主線上跨昆玉高速,設杜家營互通立交實現與昆玉高速交通轉換,途經經開區倪家營,終點設大(dà)沖立交與東連接線相接,路線全長24.998公裏。

Supply product供應産品

Squeezing agent壓漿劑